星期四, 12月 15, 2005

For Your Eyes Only

以前印象是看 到某牌的香煙廣告就伴隨著這首歌...原來這首歌是007最高機密(1981)的電影主曲,這是第12部007系列電影,是Roger Moore演得最好的一部
在這部007電影中,也破天荒頭一遭讓唱主題曲的歌手在電影銀幕上演唱:美麗的席娜伊斯頓Sheena Easton演唱由Bill Conti和Michael Leeson合寫的動聽歌曲"For Your Eyes Only",分別在美國和英國榜上爬升到第四名和第八名。( 有更多喔)
Sheena Easton
For your eyes only, can see me through the night
For your eyes only, I never need to hide
You can see so much in me
so much in me that's new
I never felt, until I looked at you

For your eyes only, only for you
You'll see what no one else can see
Now I'm breaking free
For your eyes only, only for you
The love I know you need in me
The fantasy you freed in me
Only for you, only for you

For your eyes only, the nights are never cold
You really know me, that's all I need to know
Maybe I'm an open book
Because I know you're mine
But you won't need to read between the lines

For your eyes only, only for you
You see what no one else can see
Now I'm breaking free
For your eyes only, only for you
The passions that collide in me
The wild abandoned side of me
Only for you, for your eyes only



 早上出門去附近早市逛逛,然後再走去全聯買東西。 路途中看到這家轉角開放空間的小店,四周堆滿了電視、螢幕看起來好像是個修理電器的地方,幾個人圍在櫃枱前。 走近一看,有個小招牌,每天都有不同的主題,今天週六,是修理達人。駐足了一會,我覺得挺有意思,想到了下次也許可以把壞掉的未來實驗...