星期三, 1月 31, 2007

Heart - Secret

My classmate Chung Wen loves it very very much.

We lead two different lives
Just like two lines that never cross
And here we are together
Standing closer than we are
But we're still standing here untouched
Too scared to make a move
We want so much to touch
And we can't wait forever
We know it's dangerous
For us to be together

How do we ever keep this secret
How do we keep it in the dark
And if we dare to taste our weakness
How could we tear ourselves apart
Why do we keep this love together
Didn't we know right from the start
That we would have to keep this secret
Or forever stay apart

I watch you coming to me
Walking in the pouring rain
I can't help looking at you
Wishing I could stay away
So many times I've tried in vain
To close my eyes and pray it goes away
But I can't stop myself from feeling
To let you go would be too much
For me to take

How do we ever keep this secret
How do we deep it in the dark
And if we dare to taste our weakness
How could we tear ourselves apart
Why do we keep this love together
Didn't we know right from the start
That we would have to keep this secret
Or forever stay apart

I can't help thinking
When I look into your eyes
How much I need you
It's so hard to hide

How do we ever keep this secret
How do we keep it in the dark
And if we dare to taste our weakness
How could we tear ourselves apart
Why do we keep this love together
Didn't we know right from the start
That we would have to keep this secret
Or be doomed to stay apart

星期日, 1月 28, 2007

又再破紀錄的Roger Federer

看著2007 australianopen live,Federer (Winner)和Gonzalez(Runner Up)的冠軍賽,又讓我想起了Graf,二人打球時都是沒什麼喜怒的球員,不管比數如何,幾乎很少看到他們有高興或摔拍的動作,好peace的臨場表現,就連發球或擊球的慢動作重撥也看不到他們臉部那種掙擰的表情.移位的腳步那麼的輕鬆,也不會有那種快速衝過頭而剎車不急窘態,我想,不是他們的速度快,而應該是他們都比常人更早嗅到了球的落點即將在哪.
的文章寫到"2004 Federer拿下三個大滿貫後,在頒獎典禮上,CBS資深主播DICK ENBERG問他,到底是如何辦到的,能在一年當中拿下三個大滿貫?當時ROGER不假思索的回答自己也不知道,也許到了今年年底他會好好想想自己到底是如何做到的(有趣的是,當年球后GRAF在88年完成大滿貫之後也曾講過相同的話)",你看看連二人都講同樣的話,更加讓我覺得自已的看法真是沒錯沒錯,
YearAustralian OpenRoland GarrosWimbledonUS Open 

星期五, 1月 26, 2007

Dido - Thank You

Share u,
"I want to thank you for giving me the best day of my life
Oh just to be with you is having the best day of my life"
More details here

My tea's gone cold, I'm wondering why
I got out of bed at all
The morning rain clouds up my window
and I can't see at all
And even if I could it'd all be grey,
but your picture on my wall
It reminds me that it's not so bad,
it's not so bad

I drank too much last night, got bills to pay,
my head just feels in pain
I missed the bus and there'll be hell today,
I'm late for work again
And even if I'm there, they'll all imply
that I might not last the day
And then you call me and it's not so bad,
it's not so bad and

I want to thank you
for giving me the best day of my life
Oh just to be with you
is having the best day of my life

Push the door, I'm home at last
and I'm soaking through and through
Then you hand me a towel
and all I see is you
And even if my house falls down,
I wouldn't have a clue
Because you're near me and

I want to thank you
for giving me the best day of my life
Oh just to be with you
is having the best day of my life

星期四, 1月 25, 2007

Atlantic Starr - Always

Girl you are to me, all that a woman should be,
And I dedicate my life to you always
The love like yours is grand,
It must have been sent from up above
And I know you'll stay this way, for always

And we both know, that our love will grow
And forever it will be you and me
Ooh your life is sun,
Chasing all the rain away,
When you come around you bring a brighter day
You're the perfect one
For me and you forever we'll be
And I will love you so for always

Came with me my sweet,
Let's go make a family,
And they will bring us joy, for always

Oh boy I love your soul,
I can't find enough ways to let you know
But you can be sure of course, for always

And we both know, that our love will grow
And forever it will be you and me
Ooh your life is sun,
Chasing all the rain away,
When you come around you bring a brighter day
You're the perfect one
For me and you forever we'll be
And I will love you so for always

Ooh your life is sun,
Chasing all the rain away,
When you come around you bring a brighter day
You're the perfect one
For me and you forever we'll be
And I will love you so for always

I will love you so, for always

星期五, 1月 12, 2007


哇咧,這個人是都沒在看電視,報紙嗎?,聽她的口吻好像是位學生,既然知道有高鐵,又怎麼不知道高鐵是開往哪呢? 真是三條線.

星期六, 1月 06, 2007


這一陣子迷上買THE NORTH FACE,看藍芽耳機和電子琴.假日的生活就去看A級THE NORTH FACE仿GORE-TEXT的衣服,看到老板和我都很熟了.今天索幸和小文子到公館新開的專賣店送出了10個小朋友,買了一件正牌的HYVENT,和A級品比來,真是一分錢一分貨,所以決定過年回家時,把A貨送回家給媽媽穿..真是夭壽不孝順喔.
看藍芽耳機則是自從上次幫LINDA買NB後,在我的T42掛上送的藍芽接收器後,發現這項科技真是超好用,於是開始瘋狂的對我的K800i做一大堆藍芽連線測試,藍芽的功能可多了,可以無線聽音樂,傳輸檔案,上網,還能直接把k800i當mouse來用,我在想如果哪天我做簡報時,就用k800i來遠端切換ppt吧.最近一直也在想幫我的k800i找個伴,在網路上看了一款也是SONY ERRICSSON的HBH-DS970,發現價差可以差到1000-1500,真是有夠混亂,而且還缺貨到不行,不過大家的評語也不一,好的壞的都有,讓我有點收收了手,想想還是先乖乖地用有線的原廠耳機就好了.
忍啊忍啊忍啊,最近小朋友送太多出去了,要破產了..., 連帶我為了培養退休後的生活樂趣,我想買的電子琴也只能挑最最入級的機種,1000元有找的那種,只能期待今年年終老板突然失心瘋的多給一個0了.

星期四, 1月 04, 2007




在親人面前、在同事面前、在客戶面前,八面玲瓏,說得體話,做得體事對我來說真的好難。 最近有種被打趴的感覺 ,因為身心靈都生病了。 11月初確診出關咳了二個多月都跨年咳了,怎麼我還沒咳血? 在公司有同事,在家有親戚,在工作地有客戶,好想𥁞情的咳,但礙於異樣的眼光(多半是自已的疑神...