星期五, 4月 17, 2009

Run to you

這大概是whitney houston 最後令我懷念的一張唱片,其中的一首歌run to you, 那時在電影有那麼一段,是男主角保鏢看著mv中穿著白紗瞟眇的女主角run to you..., 電影賣得不怎麼樣,二人的演技也被批得一文不值.
whitney 是除我少年時最喜歡的歌手了(曝露自己的年紀...呵),黑人的歌聲真感動人心.可惜她嫁了一個會打她的老公,沒再出什麼好專輯.可惜可惜.

I know that when you look at me
Theres so much that you just dont see
But if you would only take the time
I know in my heart youd find
A girl whos scared sometimes
Who isnt always strong
Cant you see the hurt in me?
I feel so all alone

I wanna run to you (oooh)
I wanna run to you (oooh)
Wont you hold me in your arms
And keep me safe from harm
I wanna run to you (oooh)
But if I come to you (oooh)
Tell me, will you stay or will you run away

Each day, each day I play the role
Of someone always in control
But at night I come home and turn the key
Theres nobody there, no one cares for me
Whats the sense of trying hard to find your dreams
Without someone to share it with
Tell me what does it mean?


I need you here
I need you here to wipe away my tears
To kiss away my fears
If you only knew how much...




 早上出門去附近早市逛逛,然後再走去全聯買東西。 路途中看到這家轉角開放空間的小店,四周堆滿了電視、螢幕看起來好像是個修理電器的地方,幾個人圍在櫃枱前。 走近一看,有個小招牌,每天都有不同的主題,今天週六,是修理達人。駐足了一會,我覺得挺有意思,想到了下次也許可以把壞掉的未來實驗...