星期一, 3月 21, 2011

Song Of Bernadette

年紀愈大,愈愛此人的歌...之前最愛她的Lights of Lousianne
現在最愛這首 Song Of Bernadette 出自Famous Blue Raincoat 專輯.


Song Of Bernadette 是1943的電影,講修女的事,如果沒有先google一下,也不會把這首歌和修女做什麼關連...不過我看歌詞也看不出和神恩之類有啥關係(沒慧根啊...)

很多人翻唱過, Jennifer Warnes唱得最動人..touching...災哞...... .

There was a child named Bernadette
I heard the story long ago
She saw the Queen of Heaven once
And kept the vision in her soul
No one believed what she had seen
No one believed what she heard
But there was sorrows to be heald
And mercy,mercy in this world
So many hearts I find,broke like yours and mine
Torn by what we've done and can't undo
I just want to hold you,come on let me hold you
Like Bernadette would do

We've been around,we fall,we fly
We mostly fall,we mostly run
And every night,and then we try
To mend the damage that we've done
Tonight,tonight I just can't rest
I've got this joy here inside my breast
To think that I did not forget
That child that song of Bernadette
So many hearts I find, hearts like yours and mine
Torn by what we've done and can't undo
I just want to hold,won't you let me hold you
Like Bernadette would do
Ijust want to hold you,come on let me hold you
Like Bernadette would do



 早上出門去附近早市逛逛,然後再走去全聯買東西。 路途中看到這家轉角開放空間的小店,四周堆滿了電視、螢幕看起來好像是個修理電器的地方,幾個人圍在櫃枱前。 走近一看,有個小招牌,每天都有不同的主題,今天週六,是修理達人。駐足了一會,我覺得挺有意思,想到了下次也許可以把壞掉的未來實驗...